325-328, 335-336
Today you will read 3 current articles that relate to language development. You will be responsible for the information obtained on the next test. The langauge test will be on THURSDAY of this week.
Answer these opinion questions FIRST. The questions are a precursor to the articles you will read. Use at least 4-5 sentences for each question.
1. Should America push for more bilingual opportunities in the formative years? Is America falling behind the rest of the world?
2. How can parents influence language development during the child’s prelinguistic stage?.
3. Do you think TV programs (like Sesame Street) that try to promote language development work? Explain why or why not.
SECOND, summarize the main points and significant findings of the 3 articles below. Be sure to include the purpose, set-up and results of any studies mentioned. Use 5-6 sentences for each article.
4. Bilingualism Good for the Brain, Researchers Say
5. From Birth, Engage Your Child With Talk
6. Baby Wordsworth Babies: Not Exactly Wordy