Monday, March 14, 2011

Seniors- Language Development

REMINDER: Language quiz #2 TOMORROW- pgs 246-251 (you have objectives for this),
325-328, 335-336

Today you will read 3 current articles that relate to language development. You will be responsible for the information obtained on the next test. The langauge test will be on THURSDAY of this week.

Answer these opinion questions FIRST. The questions are a precursor to the articles you will read. Use at least 4-5 sentences for each question.

1. Should America push for more bilingual opportunities in the formative years? Is America falling behind the rest of the world?

2. How can parents influence language development during the child’s prelinguistic stage?.

3. Do you think TV programs (like Sesame Street) that try to promote language development work? Explain why or why not.

SECOND, summarize the main points and significant findings of the 3 articles below. Be sure to include the purpose, set-up and results of any studies mentioned. Use 5-6 sentences for each article.

4. Bilingualism Good for the Brain, Researchers Say

5. From Birth, Engage Your Child With Talk

6. Baby Wordsworth Babies: Not Exactly Wordy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sophs- Hawaii's Last Queen

After watching the film, "Hawaii's Last Queen," you should have a better understanding of imperialism and the motives that cause strong nations to overpower weaker nations. You saw Queen Liliuokalini's unsuccessful struggle to keep her Hawaiian people independent of foreign rule. You witnessed her faith in the American government as she gave up her throne with optimistic thoughts that her power would be restored in the near future. As we know, this was not the case. Hawaii was annexed as an American territory in 1898 and eventually became the 50th state in 1959.

In your reflection of the film, give a response with a summary (paragraph length) describing how Americans gained political and economic power in Hawaii. Be sure to include specific details about the missionaries, Queen Liliuokalini's childhood, foreign influences on Hawaiian culture, etc. Use your video question sheet and answers to help with this paragraph.

In addition, write a short paragraph on the way the story was portrayed through the Queen's perspective. You often heard excerpts from her diary that described her thoughts and feelings. Was this an effective way to tell the story? Do you think the program tried to persuade viewers to sympathize with the Hawaiian queen and people? Be specific in your argument.