Wednesday, April 9, 2008

1920s Economy

1. What significant technologies were developed in the 1920s?

2. How did Ford's Model T influence the economy?

3. How were labor unions influential?

4. How did consumerism and advertising change in the 1920s?

1920s Culture

1. How did mass media influence 1920s culture?

2. What new types of entertainment were available?

3. What was the Harlem Renaissance?

4. What new heroes emerged in the 1920s?

Use these sights to help...

Dissenting Values and Cultural Conflicts

1. How did prohibition affect society?

2. Identify the race and religious problems of the 1920s.

3. What was society's view of immigrants during the 1920s?
4. What was the influence of increased urbanization in the decade?

Use the following websites to help...
