Pink Class:
As we did in class before, pretend you are a writer for Parenting magazine. Below are 3 questions asked by parents that relate to Chapter 6 topics. Choose ONE of the questions and write a response. Be both creative and informative in your response. Create your own pen name relating to the issue discussed. You may work with a partner
Value: 10 points
How to respond:
Click on the comments link for your class color. Type your response into the box. Your response should be at least 18 lines in length. To submit your response, click the name/url option and type your first names and last initials. You do not put anything in the url box.
1.) Dear Parenting,
I often wonder when my newborn baby, Owen, can see. Can he see me at all? Does he notice moving objects? Do you think he can recognize my face? A baby’s vision, or lack there of, is a topic that intrigues me as a parent. Also, can you please explain the progression of Owen’s visual abilities?
An eye opening experience
2.) Dear Parenting,
What should I expect over the course of my baby’s first year in her locomotive development? What will Madison’s significant milestones be, and when will they occur? In your opinion, which milestone has the most impact on changing my baby’s role with her environment?
Come on baby, do the locomotion
3.) Dear Parenting,
Several times, I have heard the expression, “Your baby’s brain is plastic.” What exactly does that mean? I think it has something to do with the development of the brain. Also, what do you think about videos like Baby Einstein, Baby Bach, and Baby Mozart? Do you think they help stimulate an infant’s brain development? Can they make my baby smarter?
Paper or Plastic?
Dear Come on baby, do the locomotion,
There are many milestones that occur in a baby's first year of life. After 3 months your daughter should begin to roll over and explore her environment. At around 6 months she should be able to sit up without any support. Soon after this milestone is reached she should begin attempting to crawl around and get into all sorts of fun trouble for you. This is probably the greatest milestone your baby will reach, because its the first time she can actually move around on her own accord. Next she will learn to stand and begin cruising around the room between 7-9 months. This will allow her to expand her horizon from 9 inches to 20 inches. So move your most prized possessions out of that range. And at right around a year your daughter will be free to stand and walk around. So prepare yourself and your home and your baby's locomotion won't be driving you loco.
the dancing queens
You can expect many wonderful and exciting changes to take place in your baby's life during changes in locomotive development. Your baby will begin to become more independent beginning with rolling over by itself. This is the first milestone you should notice in the development of your baby. Before long they will begin to be able to sit without support and even stand with a little support. But the most significant milestone in our opinion is crawling. Crawling opens up a new world for your baby. Your baby will now be able to go wherever he wants to go. This is a wonderful eye-opening for your baby and they will learn so so much about their new and seemingly infinite environment. Then finally your baby will be able to walk around 1 year of age. And that's when the real fun starts. But don't worry, you'll get plenty of exercise chasing that sucker all around.
Born to Run
Dear Come On Baby, Do The Locomotion,
By the end of the first year of your child's life he or she should be walking! Yet, there are many steps before your baby makes his or her first steps. The first locomotive developmental milestone your child should experience is rolling over from side to side, which usually occurs around 3-5 months. At about the same time, your child should be able to grasp a rattle. A few months later, around 6 months, your child should be sitting all on his or her own without any support. After mastering the sit, his or her free exploratory arms will grasp onto things to support his weight, making him or her able to stand while holding on. Between 8 and 10 months your child should develop a more advanced grasp known as the pincer grasp, making him or her able to pick up much smaller objects. Over time, his or her legs muscles will develop and through practice he will be able to stand on his own, which will then lead him or her on their path to walking around 1 year of age.
chugga, chugga, motion like a railway train
Dear Paper or Plastic,
It's true, your baby's brain is considered "plastic". This simply means that your baby's brain is molded through new experiences. Baby videos may seem great for new parents by allowing a distraction for your baby and some much needed time for you. However, what you don't know is that these videos could be detrimental to your baby's development. These videos may be too stimulating for your baby. This could result in delayed language development. It is proven that babies learn more from face to face interaction, which these videos take away. The long term effects of these videos could result in a shorter attention span, an inability to learn or pay attention. These videos are good in moderation but don't use them regularly.
The Baby Advocates
1. Dear eye opening experience,
It is likely that your baby can see you, but not too clearly. Yes, he can see moving objects, and quickly develops the ability to follow it in the first month. He is attracted to curved lines, and can recognize your face. At about 6 months, he should obtain 20/20 vision. His peripheral vision is very narrow right now, and will double between 2 to 10 weeks. Color perception develops between 2 to 4 months. By their second month, babies can distinguish between red and green; by the third month, they can see blue as well; and by four months, they can discriminate among red, green, blue and yellow.
They prefer red and blue, as do adults. Binocular vision, the use of both eyes to focus, allows perception of depth and vision. This does not develop until about 4 or 5 month. Babies less than 2 days old prefer complex patters, 3 dimensional objects, faces, and new sights. Good luck with everything!
Seeing for miles
Dear come on baby, do the locomotion,
After 3 months your baby will begin to roll over. This is just the beginning of having to watch your baby more carefully. They will not be as afraid to try new things. Your baby will start to sit without support at about six months and two and a half months later will be able to assume a sitting position by themselves. Soon after they will be beginning to crawl and creep around. They will start to develop more physically,cognitively, and emotionally now that they can move around. YOur baby should take her first steps around 11 or12months. Hope this helps.
your locomotive experts
Dear come on baby, do the locomotion,
During the course of Madison's first year, you should pretty much expect anything and everything. There are many milestones that your baby will overcome, each just as exciting as the last. Typically they begin with rolling over at about 3 to 5 months, as they make their first attempts to see the world. The most significant locomotor move that Madison will groove to will be the baby crawl. This is a setting event that will greatly influence her interaction with the environment. Also, one of the most exciting milestones is a baby's first walk. Madison should experience this at about 12 to 14 months, and it will officially make her a toddler! Good luck dancing your way through each milestone!
the dynamic dancing duo
Dear An eye opening experience,
Yes, your baby can see! However his vision is very limited. In fact it is so limited that baby Owen can only see 20/600. Vision is the least mature of your baby's senses. Everything he sees is equally unclear at all distances, and he cannot tell near from far. However, he can track moving objects, this is why exposing him to moving objects stimulates him. When baby Owen reaches two months of age he will be able to distinguish red from green. And at three months he will be able to see blue. At four months old, Owen can distinguish between red, green blue and yellow. However, like most adults he will prefer red and blue. At about three months of age, Owen will be able to make distinctions among features of different faces. So, yes he can see your face and recognize you! When Owen reaches about 4-5 months of age, he will begin using binocular vision to see. Finally, at six months of age Owen will be seeing like an adult. And as early as a month later he can react to emotional expressions. I Hope this information helps!
I can see clearly now.
Dear Paper or Plastic,
The expression "Your baby's brain is plastic" means that, much like plastic, their brain can mold and shape throughout their life. As for your question about the Baby Einstein movies, I personally think they are over stimulating and might actually harm your baby if used too often. Babies are weirdly entranced in the movies and are overwhelmed with the amount of activity going on. It has been proven that these movies actually postpone milestones in their lives like walking and talking. These movies are fine if used in moderation but don't rely on them to teach your children.
I Just Wanna Use Your Love Tonight
Dear Come on baby do the locomotion,
Your child will be running away in plenty of time. First, Madison will start to roll over between three and five months. Don not leave her on a changing table alone; she skill has not developed a sense of fear for falling. At 6 to 7 months, your daughter will begin sitting. This step in motor development is very important in motor development. Your child will develop muscle power and see the world from a new point of view. Crawling will begin sometime during the 8th month. Beware you child will be an independent mover. They will develop a fear of depths. Crawling will also give your child a chance to start exploring their world. Madison will start to walk at 12 to 15 months. this would be the time to get a child detector.
Baby on the Run
Dear "Come On Baby, Do The Locomotion,"
Madison's first year of life is one of the most exciting times for her and you. You'll get the chance to see Madison conquer many feats. Movements we often easily associate with a baby, such as: rolling over, crawling, walking, and holding things, are actually quite difficult tasks for babies. Be scared if you don't see your baby rolling over by 5 months. Around this same time look to see if your child can grasp a rattle. Don't be turned off if your child can't pinch with her fingers yet because, believe it or not, that comes after mastering sitting up. If you're interested in my opinion about which milestone is most significant I'd say it's the ability to crawl. Crawling is the babies first real chance to interact well with her environment. Just be sure to watch the little cruiser.
Baby-Train keeps on rollin'
Dear come on baby, do the locomotion,
A baby's first year of development is the it's most rapid. By the end of 12 months, you won't even recognize your own baby! The developmental process differs from baby to baby differing at a variety of ages. However, these are the average time periods you can expect your baby to engage in motor development:
1. Rolling Over 3-5 months
2. Grasping Rattle 3-4 months
3. Sitting without support 6-7 months
4. Standing while holding on 7-9 months
5. Grasping with thumb and finger 8-10 months
6. Standing alone well 12-14 months
7. Walking well 12-15 months
Keep in mind, it is not necessary to drill these motions with your baby. The baby will learn through experience, when the time is right your baby will achieve these milestones. The only thing to worry about is child proofing your house!
Dr. Lo Comotion
Dear Come on Baby, Do the Locomotion,
This first thing you must understand is that Madison, like all babies, is like one big bobble-head. At birth, the head is a fourth the size of your baby's body! Locomotive development is a relatively slow process because they have to gain the strength to hold their heads up and acquire balance. One of the first milestones you will notice is that while lying on their stomach, babies will begin to lift their heads higher until that big menace of a head sets them off balance and causes them to roll over onto their backs. This will occur between 3-5 months. Handling objects comes in steps as well. Grasping with a full hand occurs around 3 months, before babies realize that some objects require more precision. They won't realize that some objects require their thumb and finger in the "pincer position" until 8-10 months. After rolling over, Madison will begin to sit without support (5-6 months), stand while holding on (7-8 months), stand alone well (11-13 months), walk well (12-14 months), build a tower of two cubes (14-20 months), and eventually walk up steps (16-20 months). Crawling has the biggest impact because it is the "setting event" and sets the stage of them and their environment. It gives them a new view of the world and helps them learn to judge distances and perceive depth.
I like to move it, move it :)
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