"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Most of you remember this little rhyme from grade school to recall the year Christopher Columbus "discovered" America. As we discussed in class, there are conflicting opinions about the impact of his discovery. The cultural collision, known as the Columbian Exchange, that occurred when the East (Native Americans) met the West (the Europeans) had a profound impact on both cultures. Is he a hero who carried Christian civilization across the Atlantic Ocean, or is he linked to conquest and imperialism? (If you don't know what imperialism is look it up in the glossary of your text, or use the web) Read through your notes and ch 1, section 4 (pgs 22-26) of your text to answer the following questions.
Part of being a historian is having the ability to analyze written sources. How does your text portray the story of Christopher Columbus and the impact of his "discovery?" Does your text mention anything about conquest, domination, heroism, or the start of the slave trade? Be sure to explain your answer, as well as use information from your notes and the text to support your decision. Your answer should be at least 15 lines (not sentences). Answer in complete sentences and use specific information from the book, but do not plagiarize.
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I believe that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as more of a bad person, than that of a saintly figure. He is portrayed as a bad person because of the diseases that he sent, and instead of showing sympathy for the Native Americans, Christopher Columbus and the other Europeans they thanked God because they thought that this was God's way of saying that he was on the Europeans' side. When the Natives began to die, the Europeans decided that it would be a good idea to kidnap Africans and forced them to work on the plantations. Though, the Europeans returned the Africans home, it still had a lasting impact on the slave trade in US history. The total number of Africans abducted is roughly between 9 and 11 million at least. So at the end of the day, the textbook has a negative view on Columbus' impact.
I think that what Christopher Columbus did was not all that horrible. Of course he probably did not mean to wipe out half of the Native Americans due to diseases, his main intention was to discover this "new world" where the Europeans could live. The text mentions that the diseases spread rapidly along the extensive Native American trade network. It also mentions about the slave trade network, which used African slaves on plantations so that the Europeans could be supplied with the American foods they demanded.
The text portrays the story of Christopher Columbus as a negative person in history because he brought disease and plague which resulted in the death of many Americans. He believed that when the Americans kept getting sick it was God’s way of telling the Europeans that He wanted the Europeans to conquer America, which then led to slavery. Although the Europeans returned the Africans to their home it still had a lasting effect in the United States.
I think our text books view on Christopher Columbus is a bad person rather than a hero. They look upon him as a man who was looking for a new world and brought diseases over with him. Native Americans were not immune to the measles and mumps that had come over. This had killed many of the Native Americans. Also, Christopher Columbus had enslaved many Africans. This had a lasting impact on America for slave trade, even though he had returned them to their home.
I think that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a bad man but also a hero in some way. I think that he is portrayed as a bad man for the diseases he sent over such as measles, smallpox, and typhus. Also the Europeans began to enslave Native Americans and forced them to work on the plantations. Nearly 9-11 million West Africans were kidnapped from their homelands and taken to North and South America. As said on page 28 of the textbook, Europeans constructed a uniquely cruel system to supply slaves to the Americas. I believe the Columbus is also portrayed as a good man because his journeys constructed the Columbian Exchange in which European ships brought over foods from the Americas such as peanuts, pineapples, and potatoes which helped families from famines.
I think our text books presents Christopher Colombus in a bad way. However they do recognize he did find a new world bought did and brought many bad things with him. For example he brought new diseases with him like measles and mumps. The native Americans were not ammuned to these diseases. this caused so many of them to die and there were'nt many left. So he then he broght over african americans over into slavery. This is a start of a long lasting slave trade.
Our textbook portrayed Christopher Columbus in more of a negative way. Because of Columbus' voyage to the new world, many Native Americans died due to diseases he brought with him, even though this wasn't his intention. Columbus was also responsible for the kidnapping, and enslavement of 9 to 11 million Africans which led to long lasting slave trade in US history. Although, there were some positive sides to Columbus' discovering a new world. It led to the Colombian exchange, in which Europeans and Native Americans traded food, and discovered new cultures. So even though Columbus had many negative effects in the new world, it also had positive ones.
I think the text book does not very absolute portaryed Christopher Columbus was a bad person. He discovered Amercian and inadvertently sent disease and plague which resulted in the death of many Americans,it caused many Europeans to believe God favored Europeans over Native Amercians; and this "discovery" caused slave trade, to later Africans Enslaved number roughly between 9-11 millions. However he promoted this two countries' trade development,sent some food for Amercian which they didn't have.
Overall, the text book portayed Cristopher Columbus a negative person more then a hero. ( totally see,the sentances portrayed Colimbus a bad person are more than portrayed a hero)
At the beginning of this section it portrays Christopher Columbus neutrally until it starts talking about the diseases that were given to the Native Americans saying that “any benefits the Native Americans received, however, were far outweighed by the mystery brought upon them. The greatest source of mystery was the disease.” Then the section goes on to discuss how the Europeans tried to enslave the Native Americans. Since the Native Americans were so weak from the diseases brought upon them, they were not very good workers. So in all, Columbus's impact on the Native Americans was devastating to them.
I believe that our textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a bad person. He is viewed as a criminal for conquering the Native Americans. He also brought diseases from Europe that the Native Americans are mot immune to. About fifty to ninety percent of Native Americans were killed from disease. Christopher Columbus also decided, when the began to die Native American, to enslave the Africans. Almost nine million Africans were taken from their homes. On the up side, he is heoric and brave to go and find a knew land.
I don't think the text portrays Christopher Columbus as a good or bad person. They state both the good and bad parts about his discovery, but doesn't focus on any one side. The book doesn't say he's a hero for discovering the new land, or a horrible person for killing millions of people. It wasn't his idea to bring the slaves from Africa, or his idea to plague the natives. Most of what he did was an accident.
I believe Columbus is portrayed as more of a evil conquerer than that of a heroic explorer. Christopher Columbus should be portrayed as the heroic explorer mainly because he wasn't the only who killed Indians enslaved African or spread harmful diseases. We should view Columbus for what he was, one who found the eastern Americas. when we begin to go deep into what Columbus did after his ships landed we get blinded by the reality of life and that if one human comes in contact with another that is sick the person will get sick and die. For example the plague, no one ever blamed the sailors whose ships carried the rats infected with the disease to the middle of europe. And with the slavery part that would continue for years and would make america today.
I believe that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a mean person. Throughout the lesson the authors have shown that he spread diseases and how devastated the Native Americans were when Columbus introduces European traditions. Also, the textbook explains about how Columbus used Africans as slaves, and portrays it as a bad thing, which it was. He was enslaving people who had rights and that is just an terrible thing to do. In addition, Columbus aslo changed the life for many of the Native Americans living there. Their way of life was simple and in some ways moraland when Columbus and the Europeans came the Americans were forced into a high society life. In the end though, I feel the textbook shows Columbus in a very negative way.
I think that the book potrays Christopher Columbus as a bad person. He is portrayed that way due to the many diseases that were brought over. The Europeans brought over measles, small pox and many other deadly diseases, that the Native Americans were not immune too. This led to the death of many Native Americans. Also Christopher was responsible for the Africans being enslaved. On pg. 28 the Estimate of the total number of West Africans takin from there home land wad roughly 9 million to 11 million. Lastly the Europeans constructed a cruel system to give slaves to the Americans. They treated slaves like property, and being enslaved is a death sentence.
I believe the text book portrays Christopher Columbus as a bad person because when he came over to the Americas he brought different diseases. The Europeans believed that when they saw the Native Americans dying the thought that meant God was on their side. Not only did the Europeans bring diseases to the Native Americans they kidnapped Africans as slaves and made them work on the plantations. The Africans were not used to working in tat climate so they quickly started to die. Overall this book portrays Christopher Columbus to be a bad person.
I don't think the text portrays Christopher Columbus as a good or bad person. They say both good and bad things about his discovery and they didnt focus on one specific side. The book doesn't say he's a good person for discovering new land, or a bad person for killing millions. It wasn't his idea to bring the slaves from Africa, or to plague the natives. He was a good man because his journey caused ships bring over foods from the Americas such as peanuts, pineapples, and potatoes to help families from famines. But he was also bad because he brought disease and plague which resulted in the death of many Americans. He believed that when the Americans kept getting sick it was god’s way of telling the Europeans that he wanted the Europeans to conquer America which led to slavery. Even though i believe that he didnt mean for that to happen.
I think the history book does a good job in being fair about Christopher Columbus being a hero or not a good person. He is a great person for Europe because now that Europe knows about America they can trade and make profit and have goods they have never had before. But at the same time he is a bad person because he is spreading deadly diseases and it is killing more then half of the native americans because they are not used to diseases that the Europeans have. Christopher Columbus is also bad because he forced Africans out of there country to be slaves and not get any freedom and rights in another country that they have never scene or been too. But then another good thing Christopher Columbus did is discover the "new world" and that opened up religious freedom for Europeans that went to live there. So overall i believe that the book did a good job being fair to Christopher Columbus.
I think our textbook views Christopher Columbus as a bad person rather then a hero. I believe people thought of him as a bad person because of the diseases and plague that he braught along with him as he tried to discover a new world. Christopher Columbus and the Europeans did not try to help the Native Americans that were dying from the diseases they braught, instead they thought of it as God being with them and wanting them to conquer the land. Christopher also made 9 to 11 million africans slaves and this later led to a lasting impact on the slave trade in the United States.
I believe the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a hero but as a bad person also. Because of Columbus' journeys the Columbian Exchange began. The Americas were capable enough to gain new foods from the Europeans such as peanuts, pineapples, tomatoes, cocoa, and potatoes wich saved them from famines. Europeans also opened up their culture to the Americas such as laws, languages, and customs. I would describe Columbus as a bad person when he brought over diseases which caued many Native Americans to die because they were not immune to it. The Europeans then started to trade people as slaves to work on plantations, including the healthiest people. There were about 9-11 million West Africans abducted from their homeland just to work in America. Slaves were treated as property and there was no escape from it.
i feel like our textbook is saying that Christopher Columbus isn't exactly a good person. but i dont think the writers of the textbook were trying to say he was a villian of any sort. Yes the book does say that he brought illnesses of many kinds over to the U.S, but its also giving him credit for discovering our land. the text seems like the opinion is swayed more to the side of him being bad, but my opinion is that he was somewhat a hero because if it wasnt for him and the people who came with him on the journey, we wouldnt be in this country, Or at least we wouldnt be as advanced as we are today.
I belive that Christopher columbus is portrayed in our textbook more as a criminal rather than a hero. He held millions of innocent people at their will to work for no money and no freedom. He thought that god was killing all of the native americans because god wanted the Europeans to conquer the native Americans not knowning that he was the reason they were dying. Taking over the Indians and africans was all for money but was not necessary. I know his intention was to explore the "new world" but he did a lot more wrong then he did right.although he did bring most of the slaved that did not die back home what be did changed the world forever
I believe that the textbook shows Christopher Columbus as a bad person. In the textbook it has a lot of positive and negative feelings towards Chris. It stated on page 27 that he brought diseases such as, small pox, measles and mumps to the Native Americans that caused 50-90% of indians to die. When the indians began to die Chris began to use 9-11 million African Americans as slaves. When Chris was done with the slaves he shiped them back to Africa. What he did not realize was that this was the start of slavery. I could guess that the textbook does not agree that Christopher Columbus was a national hero.
I believe that the textbook shows Christopher Columbus as a bad person. In the textbook it has a lot of positive and negative feelings towards Chris. It stated on page 27 that he brought diseases such as, small pox, measles and mumps to the Native Americans that caused 50-90% of indians to die. When the indians began to die Chris began to use 9-11 million African Americans as slaves. When Chris was done with the slaves he shiped them back to Africa. What he did not realize was that this was the start of slavery. I could guess that the textbook does not agree that Christopher Columbus was a national hero.
I think that Christopher Columbus was portrayed in our book as a hero and sometimes it was against him. One time where it says he is a hero is when his journey launched a new era of trade called the Columbian Exchange. This helped start trade across the ocean. He also discovered the Americas, and I do think that is a good thing for us because who knows what would have happened if not. Some things the book says that are against him are that the Europeans brought many diseases over. None of the Native Americans were immune to diseases so many died. Another bad thing is that he enslaved Africans against their free will, he took around 9 to 11 million slaves from their homes. I think that he was more of a bad person then a good person, but our book seems like it can't make up its mind.
I believe the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a hero but at the same time a bad person. I believe he is a hero because he has discovered an entire new place for the Europeans. With the discovery of America, brought them new crops such as peanuts, pineapple, and tomatoes. Christopher is also a bad person because he introduced smallpox, typhus, measles. While the Europeans were trading with the Native americans they were spreading deadly diseases killing more then half of the Native Americans. With many dead and the Europeans deamanding more crops, the Europeans turned to West Africa to enslave African Americans and this has started the African slave trade.
In my opinion, the textbook describes Chritopher Colombus as a both a good and bad person. He is portrayed as a good person becuase he started the Columbian Exchange which is a new era of trade. Christopher Columbus brought over food to the Americas, like peanuts, pineapples,tomatoes, and cocoa. He also brought over crops such as wheat and domesticated animals like horses and cows. He is portrayed as a bad person because of the diseases him and his men brought over from Europe like smallpox, typhus, measles, ect. which resulted to death. The Europeans treated the Native Americans unfairly. An example is kiddnapping them and making them work on plantations. They captured and enslaved from 9-11 millon African Americans and brought them over to North and South America.
On one hand the textbook portrays christopher columbus as a very smart and talented sailor who discoverd a new land, new food , and new cultures. But the book also portrays him as bad guy for bringing diseases over to the indians and killing millions.
The book also says that the Europeans thought that the native americans were getting diseases because god favored the europeans. Also With all the new food coming over to europe the europeans needed people to grow and maintain the food so they started to use slaves from Africa.
I think that the text book, itself describes columbus in more of a negative aspect. I say this because of the fact that he was not willing to adapt to the native americans way of life or culture. In that, he forced his own religion upon them. Even worse, is the fact that he enslaved the native americans. He also brought disease over from europe that the native americans were not ammuned or used too. There for, 50 to 90 percent of the native americans died off. Because of the native americans dieing off, colonists were forced to enslave african americans, there for giving columbus another negative trait. this is why i believe christopher columbus to be an imperialist, and to have a very negative back round.
I think that Christopher Columbus is shown as a horrible person for the Native Americans, but as a hero for the new immagrants to North America. For the "horrible" side of him, he is shown as a person that brought disease to the Native Americans with no immunes for any of the "new" diseases to them. For the "good" side of him, he brought people to a new world of goods and trade to people of new cultures and trade routes. New slaves were also put to work. Overall I would portray Christopher Columbus as a hero to a new world.
I think that the text trys to make Christopher Columbus sound like the bad guy rather then hero.
He is portrayed as a bad person because of the diseases that he brought upon the Native Americans such as smallpox, measles, and mumps. The Natives werent used to having these diseases exposed to them, so this led to a decrease in their population. Christopher Columbus also kidnapped and enslaved Africans to work for him.
In my opinion, I think the textbook portrayl of Christopher Columbus showed him as a failure because of the things he did after he arrived in the Americas. Christopher Columbus's foolish actions towards the Native Americans was so wrong. He thought it was right to exchange Native Americans to slave trade. "Slave Trade" is horrible and wrong. Native Americans did nothing wrong and had their rights wrongly taken away from them because of the fact that Christopher Columbus landed on their shores.
I believe that the textbook describes Christopher Columbus as a bad person instead of a hero. The textbook explains the negative things that happened when Christopher Columbus came over to America. One thing that had a major effect on the Indians were the diseases carried over from England such as small pox, mumps, and measles. The diseases caused a major decrease in the Indian population. The textbook also mentions about how the discovery of America led to slavery which made a huge effect on America.
I believe that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a good and bad person. He is portrayed as a good person when he started the Columbian Exchange which was a new era of transatlantic trade. Columbus brought over new foods back to Europe. Some of these foods were peanuts, pineapples, and tomatoes. In exchange for the goods they brought over wheat, and domesticated animals. He was potrayed as a bad person when he came over he brought many diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and measules. Since the Native Americans began to die, the Europeans decided to kidnap Africans and forced them to work on their plantations. The total number of Africans kidnapped was roughly around 9-11 million.
i believe that the text book portrays christopher columbus altot differently than the he was always thought to be. The text book talks mainly about the bad things he did, such as spread diseases which killed many native amsericans. Even though it wasn't his falt that he brought diseases with him, he still forced the native americans to be slaves. In his mind he thought that this was what god wanted, that he wanted the europeans to take over the land and let the native americans die. There were also 9-11 million africans taken from their homes to become slaves. There was nothing
they could do about it.
I think that Christopher Columbus had good intentions; however while trying to fulfill his own thought of a good idea, Christopher Columbus wanted to come upon a new & improved world for all. Though, on his expedition to do that he caused problems such as disease, which meant the death of many Native Americans. However he believed it was God's fault for the death's, he thought it was God's way of telling him something, which later created slavery. So, overall i think that the text book is sending more of a negative attitude toward Christopher Columbus.
I think the textbook tells you about Christopher Columbus in different view. The book doesnt just talk about the good things, or the bad things, but both. I think Christopher Columbus was a great person becuase of his explorations, and how he came to settle in North America. Although, people who were indian of this time may be thinking other wise becuase of all the deaths, and diseases that were speard. Even through all of these things might have given Christoper Columbus a bad reputation in his time, now after many years we are able to look back and see all the great things that came from his exploration, and trades with the indians.
I think the textbook portrays Chirstopher Columbus is not only a hero,but also a bad person. In this "discovery", Columbus led to the Colombian exchange, in which Europeans and Native Americans traded food such as peanuts, pineapples, tomatoes, cocoa, and potatoes ; and discovered new cultures. In this piont, Columbus is a hero in European and Native Americans. But in this "discovery" sent disease and plague which cause 50 to90 percent Native Amercians died; " caused slave trade, to later Africans Enslaved number roughly between 9-11 millions .
Totally see,the sentances portrayed Colimbus a bad person are more than portrayed a hero, so overall, the textbook portrayed Columbus was a bad person.
I blieve that the book portrays a good side of Christopher Cloumbus and also a bad side. The good side of him that stood out to me was the fact that he started the colombian exchange. He also helped out the Americans by bringing foods back from his voyages such as: cocoa, tomatoes, wheat..etc.. However, on the other hand, he's protrayed as a bad person, for the simple fact that he wanted to conquer non-Catholic lands and invert them into Catholicism. In my personally opinion, I believe that there was a reason why those selective groups of people weren't Catholics. Then again as stated on page 23, he "thought" that by witnessing the final battle of Queen Isabella's crusade to reconquer Spain from the Muslims.That by witnessing the battle it was his proof from God to bring Christianity to other lands. However, the major issue that made Christopher Columbus stand out as a bad guy was the fact that he had killed so many people by bringing his men over with all the diseases that the indians had no natural immunites for. Now I know he might have not none that bringing them over would cause such destruction, but when you think about..indians weren't used to the way the Americans lived and had never had the smallpox, measles, etc. So it was bound to happen one way or another unfortunately. All and all Christopher Clumbus in my opinion wasn't such a hero after all.
I think our textbook made Christopher Columbus look like a bad guy. It talks about how he brought over death and disease to the native americans. About 50 - 90% of the native americans died because of small pox, mumps and measles because of the european settlers And when the native americans refused to be the colonists slaves, they went to africa and brought african slaves to the new world. 9-11 million african were taken over to american to work on plantation because Christopher discovered a new world.
I think that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a not so great guy. I agree with the textbook because it may have seemed that Columbus was doing a great thing, however what he really was doing was bringing disease, slavery and other terrible things to a place that was living healthy and peacefully prior to the invasion. The textbook also mentioned about the things Columbus brought to the America such as conquest, domination, heroism, or the start of the slave trade. All of these things existed in America before Columbus landed there. All of these things that Columbus brought over had a negative effect on America. That's not to say that everything Columbus did was bad, all I'm saying is that all in all Columbus was no hero.
My interpretation is indeed that the textbook portrays Christopher Columbus as a fairly bad guy. And I would have to concur with that. He did not do many acts of heroism at all and he essentially started the slave trade. He brought domination and disease to the native americans from the Columbian Exchange. Whether or not this was done on purpose I'm not sure but the Columbian Exchange was not positive even if it seemed like a bad idea. All in all it is obvious that the way Columbus treated the Native Americans was unfair.
The textbook makes Christopher Columbus seem like a bad person. They portray him as a greedy settler who came to take over the Native Americans land. It was true that he, along with other settlers, unknowinlgy broght diesease to the new land. At the time, they were unaware of that and did not mean to kill Native Americans. The book also mentions that Columbus and his men kisnapped Africans and used them as slaves once the Native Americans died from the dieseases. This in part was not a nice thing to do but at the end, they did let the Africans go home. That helped trigger the slave trade though as an affect. Columbus did expand trade with thr Native Americans though. He also brought crops and new animals to the new land. It appears none of the good things could over-do the bad things said about Columbus in the text book though.
After reading the text I felt that it portrays Christopher Columbus as a bad person more than a hero. The text states, "Any benefits the Native Americans received, however, were far outweighed by the misery brought upon them." This statement is saying that all the nice things the Europeans were doing was just to take advantage of the Native Americans. The Europeans also wiped out a large portion of Native Americans with diseases that they brought over. Then they took it as a sign from God that was saying that he was on their side. Lastly when the Naive Americans refused to be the Europeans slaves, the Europeans turned to Africa for slaves. This was the start of the Slave trade to the Americas. This is how I read the Text on Christopher Columbus.
In this selection, Christopher Columbus was described as a bad person, but I strongly disagree. Christopher Columbus came to discover the "New World". The "New World" was for Europeans to live. Columbus created the Columbian Exchange, which allowed the Americas to get food from the Europeans. Columbus basically created the start of life as we know it, without his influence, the world may not function the same today. Slavery existed then, but unfortunately, it was a part of the time period. Yes, Christopher Columbus did carry diseases, to no fault of his own. Vaccinations, medications and cures, were not easy to receive or were non existent. In his strong attempt to create the "New World", this was not going to let that stop him.
After reading the textbook, I feel that Christopher Columbus' impact on history was both good and bad. One positive effect his voyages had was the foreign exchange, known as the Columbus Exchange. The America's received crops such as wheat and Europe received items such as peanuts and cocoa. The most negative impact was on Native Americans. They were effected by diseases that were brought over from Europe. These disease, such as measles and small pox, killed 50-90% of the Native American population. Although people share different opinions on Christopher Columbus, I feel that his impact on the America's was more negative than positive.
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