Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sophs- Colonial Study Guide

622- American History Test Review
Colonization of America: Chapters 3 & 4

• What you should study…
- All notes from class taken from Columbus through Life in the Colonies (ch. 4, sec 5)
- Your first quiz
- Your chart comparing the characteristics of the 13 colonies
- Map of the 13 colonies

Test Format
- Matching
- Multiple Choice
- Short Answer
- Short Essay- Comparing the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies
- Map of the 13 colonies

Chapter 3
- The significance of Columbus notes
- Columbian Exchange
- Jamestown settlement
- Representative government
- Burgess
- Plymouth colony
- Mayflower Compact
- William Bradford

Chapter 4

Key words
- Puritans
- Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
- Religious tolerance
- Quakers
- Cash crop
- Royal colony
- Proprietary colony
- Act of Toleration
- Slave codes
- Racism
- Import
- Export
- Mercantilism
- Triangular trade
- Yankee
- Legislature
- Gentry
- Middle Class
- Indentured Servants
- Great Awakening
- Enlightenment

Key Ideas
Ch. 4, sec 1- The New England Colonies
- Why the Puritans left England
- The establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
- Who was Thomas Hooker?
- Identify Roger Williams
- Who was Anne Hutchinson?
- What were characteristics of New England’s towns and villages?
- What were the Salem Witch Trials?

Ch. 4, sec 2- The Middle Colonies
- The settlement of New York
- How did New Jersey become a separate colony?
- The settlement of Pennsylvania
-William Penn
-Quaker beliefs
- How did Delaware become a separate colony?
- Characteristics of the Middle Colonies (ex: backcountry)

Ch. 4, sec 3- The Southern Colonies
- Mason-Dixon Line
- Maryland was founded for which religion?
- What was significant about Bacon’s Rebellion?
- What was a main reason for the settlement of Georgia?
- How was slavery an influence in the south?
- What is the Middle Passage?
- How were the Tidewater Plantations different from life in the Backcountry?

Ch. 4, sec 4- Roots of Self-Government
- What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts?
- Who had the right to vote in the colonies?
- Who had more rights: colonists or those who lived in Britain?
- Who had the least amount of rights in the colonies?
- What characteristics did colonial governments have in common?
- Explain the set up of the colonial government.

Ch. 4, sec 5- Life in the Colonies
- What was the influence of the Enlightenment?
- What is the Great Awakening?
- Identify Jonathan Edwards
- Why did the Great Awakening increase democratic feelings in the colonies?
- How did Ben Franklin reflect the ideas of the Enlightenment?

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