Thursday, March 5, 2009

Option 2


Anonymous said...

Kristina, Mikey, Brian

1. Obama, Biden, and an elephant.

2. The title, is "He's just not that into you", and the caption says, "Sir I think it takes two to be bipartisan."

3. The elephant represents the Republicans, and Obama and Biden are democrats. Obviously being opposites.

4. The elephant looks bored, and uninterested in Obama's offer to become bipartisan.

5. Obama is attemting to shake hands with the elephant, also known as the republican, and Biden is trying to explain to him that he doesn't think the elephant wants to come together and get along.

6. The message is that Republicans are unwilling to stop feuding with the Democrats, and become bipartisan, which means an agreement between two major political parties.

Anonymous said...

Kristina, Mikey, Brian

7. Republicans would agree, or people who are for being bipartisan, and the people who would disagree are Democrats because it gives off a negative about the
Democrats because they aren't willing to settle with an agreement with the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

1.Obama, the elephant and Biden
2."He's not that into you" and "Sir i think it takes two to be bipartisan."
3.Elephants represent republicans and Obama and Biden is the Democrats
4.The elaphant he looks bored not so interested in Obama
5.Obama trying to shake the elephants hand and the elephant is rejecting to shake his hand
6. The message is that Democrats are trying to stop feuding with the Republicans so that they can make good laws that are good for both sides.
7. The group of people that would agree would be the Democrats becuase the Democrats want to be bipartisan with the Republics and the people that would disagree would be the Republicans beacuse it gives them a bad image that they don't want do an agreement with the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Kelsey,Tara,Amber and Nate.

1. Obama, Biden, and an elephant.

2. The title is 'He's just not that into you", and the caption says, Sir i think it takes two to be birpartisan."

3. The elephant represents the Republicans, and Obama and Biden are democrats. There is also a pin on the elephant saying,"GOP".

4. Obama is trying hard to get the attention of the elephant but he just looks like he not listening. Also Biden is trying to tell Obama that maybe this won't work.

5.Obama is trying to shake hands with the elephant (Republican), and Biden is whispering to Obama that he doesn't think this is going to work.

6.The message is that the Republicans are never going to agree or come together with the Democrats no matter how hard they try.And bipartisan means two parties to agree.

7. Repulicans agree because they don't want change.