Thursday, December 9, 2010

Seniors- Ch. 6 Infant/Toddler Safety

646- Child Psychology

Infant/Toddler Safety Ages 0-3 years


Car(seat) safety

House safety (baby-proofing)

Toy safety

Babysitting safety

Mall/public safety (Amber alert)

Pet safety

Playground equipment safety

SIDS research



- Identify safety techniques/precautions for your chosen topic.

- Create a 10 slide powerpoint presentation (including title and article slide) to share with the class.

- Your slides must contain bullet point information, which is then expanded on through your explanations.

- Knowledge about your topic and eye contact is a must

- Find a newspaper article about your safety topic.

o Type in key words to google search, then click news

o Search newspaper archives

- Summarize the article on your 10th slide. Be sure to include the link to the article so I can view it.

- Drop all finished powerpoints in my Hobbes folder

o Save to desktop

o Open Hobbes

o Go to drop folders

o Double click social studies

o Drag and drop your ppt to my name

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sophs- Civil War

To further research the Civil War, you will work in a group of 4 students. Each student will have a different task to complete the assignment. Use chapter 11 of your text as your first source for information, then explore various credible (.edu,org) websites (not wikipedia). Here are the different tasks...

1. Reporter: You will act as a news reporter and write a news story about the impact of industry and technology during the Civil War. Especially focus on the industry boom in the North, the impact of the railroad, and the telegraph. Length- 1 page double spaced Times New Roman. Include a catchy newspaper headline. You may also include a small picture that relates to the topic.

2. Historian: You will make a timeline of 10 events or battles that occurred during the Civil War. Include brief descriptions (a few sentences) about each event. Include the specific dates. Use color. This should be neat and organized.
Include the following
- The Emancipation Proclamation
- Battle of Antietam
- First Battle of Bull Run
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Passage of 13th amendment
- Confederacy surrenders
- Battle of Vicksburg
- 54th Massachusetts regiment attack on Fort Wagner
- The Gettysburg Address
- Lincoln's assassination

3. Illustrator: You will draw a map of the states. Provide a color-coded key to label the Union and Confederacy states, key battles, and major cities. Label at least 5 key battle sites on the map. Label key cities on the map. Also include a picture of the Union and Confederate flags. This will be 3 separate pages.

4. Biographer: You will explain the contributions of important people from the time period. Explain their importance during the Civil War era. Create a 10 slide powerpoint with bullet points. (2 slides each person) Include a small picture of each person on the first slide. Focus primarily on their impact during the Civil War time period. Over all, you should have at least 10 bullet points about each person.
- General Robert E. Lee
- General Ulysses S. Grant
- Colonel Robert Shaw
- President Abraham Lincoln
- General George McClellan

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sophs- Antebellum America- Slavery

Read the article, The Pre-Civil War South: The South's Economy, and answer the following questions...

1. What negative impact did slavery have on the South's economy?

2. How did the South's urban centers compare to those of the North?

3. Why were southern cities smaller?

4. Why was transportation primitive in the South?

5. How did slave ownership change in the decade before the Civil War?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ch. 5 Test Review

Child Psychology- 646

Ch. 5 Study Guide

Part I: Objective

Part II: Defining key terms

Part III: Short Answers

All notes

Read Ch. 5

Ch. 5 Objective questions


- neonatal period

- Anoxia; meconium

- Braxton-Hicks; labor contractions

- Ferdinand Lamaze; Dick-Read

- Low birth weight; Average birth weight; Small for date

- Presentation (positions of the baby)

- Lanugo; vernix caseosa; fontanels

- Postmature; prematurity

- stages of birth

- Apgar scale

- Electronic fetal monitoring; Assisted delivery techniques

- Natural childbirth; Mediated delivery; Cesarean section

- Postpartum illness

- Kauai longitudinal study

- Imprinting; mother-infant bond State of arousal

- Doula; Midwife

- What starts labor

- Impact on family

- kangaroo care

- electronic fetal monitoring

- 3 degrees of postpartum illness

- first weeks at home with a newborn

Chapter 5 review

Click here to do the online multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blank practice tests.

Report your score to me when you finish each test.

Seniors- Parenting Magazine

Pretend you are a writer for Parenting magazine. Readers of the magazine write in questions to you regarding any parenting issues. Below are several letters to Parenting that you need to review. Only respond to the letter of your choice. Be both creative and informative in your response. Sign your own pen name that relates to the issue discussed.


1. Dear Parenting,
Help! I'm a 30 year-old woman, and I am expecting my first baby to be born in a few months. I consider myself uneducated about the different methods of childbirth. Could you please inform me of the pros and cons of natural, medicated, and cesarean births. I want what is best for my baby and myself.

Which way to go?

2. Dear Parenting,
My baby, Emma, was born 4 weeks before her due date. She has already been in the NICU for one week. I am scared and I feel helpless. Besides the NICU, is there anything else I can do to help stimulate growth? I want to get her home healthy and as soon as possible.

Looking for baby miracle grow

3. Dear Parenting,
No one ever told me how hectic my life would be after Ethan was born! He is my first baby, and needless to say, my husband and I were unprepared for a newborn. What can you tell me about the patterns of newborns? What should I expect to change in my life? What advice can you give me about caring for Ethan?

What did I get myself into?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sophs- Antebellum America- Westward Expansion

So far in our Antebellum America unit we have covered 1 of the 3 main themes, which is westward expansion. On this blog, you will examine several more topics that involve westward expansion up to 1860. Use the links that are underlined in the questions below to answer the following. Answer each question in complete sentences in a well developed paragraph. Be sure to paraphrase in your own words.

Each answer should be at least 5 sentences in length.
Value- 9 points
Due- Wednesday, November 3

1. John O'Sullivan coined the term, "Manifest Destiny." What does this phrase mean. Read the entire article to understand its importance. How does Manifest Destiny link to westward expansion?

2. President Andrew Jackson issued the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Explain the details of this act. What happened to the Cherokee nation? How does the Indian Removal Act fit with westward expansion?

3. Explain the impact of the California Gold Rush in 1849. How does it link to westward expansion?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seniors- Ch. 5 Baby Economics Project

First, complete research on delivery costs, weekly needs and childcare.

Second, use your chosen budget to outfit the nursery.

Click on the following links to see newborn essentials checklists.
- Baby Development News
- Today's Parent
- Babies R Us Registry checklist

Due Fri, Nov. 5

Reminder: Ch. 5 quiz pgs 93-101 Wed. Nov 3

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seniors- Time magazie article

Read the article "How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest of Your Life"

Answer the following questions...

1. Summarize what the article says about the origins of heart disease.
2. What is the prenatal impact on obesity?
3. What does the article state about the prenatal influence for developing diabetes?
4. Summarize findings about the impact of air pollution.
5. How might the prenatal environment be linked to mental health? Explain.

All questions should be answered in complete sentences, and each question should contain at lest 5-6 sentences to fully answer the question.

Value: 10 points

Due: Wednesday, Oct 27

Seniors- Ch 4 Study Guide

646- Child Psychology

Chapter 4 Test Guidelines

- Format:

o trimester matching

o matching- key terms/points

o multiple choice

o Short Answer

- Notes from stages of prenatal development through Rh factor

- Ch. 4 worksheet

- Key Concepts: (This is in addition to info on the handouts)

o Important developmental points in prenatal development (1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters)

o Characteristics of the 3 stages of prenatal development

o gestation

o Functions of umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic sac

o Cephalocaudal, proximodistal principles

o Miscarriages

o Terotogens

o Critical periods


o Stress

o Rh factor

o Alcohol

o Tobacco

o Maternal Age

o Cocaine

o Exercise

o Accutane

o Caffeine

o Prenatal testing: ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS, AFP

o Fetal welfare vs mothers’ rights

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1st Amendment- Freedom of Religion

Use the internet to look up one of the following Supreme Court cases that involved freedom of religion.

- McCollum vs Board of Education- 1948
- Zorach vs. Clauson- 1952
- Engel vs. Vitale- 1962
- Reynolds vs. U.S- 1879
- Abington School District vs. Schmepp-1963

1. Briefly summarize the background information and situation at hand.
2. Did the action violate the 1st amendment or were the actions protected by the 1st amendment?
3. What was the final vote count?
4. What was the reason for the court's decision?

Value: 10 points
Due: Monday, Oct. 25

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sophs- John Adams Part 1 Extra credit

Sophomores, we spent 2 days watching part one of HBO's John Adams series. Not only did it re-emphasize most of the notes from class, but hopefully it also was neat for you to see a modern day re-enactment of significant events that shaped our country. As your extra credit option, respond to ONE of the following topics. Your response should be detailed and at least 20 lines in length.

1. Describe what the court house was like throughout the trial. Be specific. Who was there? Where did the witnesses speak? How is it similar to or different than modern court scenes?

2. Explain the importance of Abigail Adams as seen in the film. What was John's and Abigail's relationship like? Be specific by referring to particular scenes or event from the film. Provide details/

3. Be a critic of the film by writing your own review. Explain why you liked or disliked the film. Be specific and honest in your answer. Do you think it portrayed Massachusetts in the Revolutionary era in an effective way? Was it an accurate depiction of the pre-Revolution events that took place in Massachusetts? Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seniors- Ch 3

Format: multiple choice, fill-ins, short answer


- Re-read chapter 3 in your text

- Study your notes

- Review your handouts from class

- Questions from the nature-nurture video

- Review the on-line practice tests

Essay Topic: Nature vs. Nurture

-Must have strong, detailed evidence supporting either side of the debate. (Use examples from your textbook, notes, and video)


Review the guidelines for the Article Report Format


Read the directions below, then go to this website to review…

Click on student center

Click chapter 3

DO the multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and matching

READ the article "Leadership in Life" - Summarize key points in your notebook. Be prepared to answer a question or 2 on the chapter 3 test.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sophs- New England Colonies

Choose a partner. Both will research one of the assigned topics below. Look through websites to find information on your topic. Rewrite the information in your own words. Do not copy or paste directly from web sites. Look for information that is original, interesting, or still relevant today.

List your sources (you must visit at least 3 different sites.) Do not use wikipedia as a listed source.

Post your information to this blog in your class color below. Everyone in the class will read your information posted. The length of should be 15-20 lines in "note form." You may use bullet points to organize your information.

Finally, write your first names at the end of your comment. Your group's comments should be posted by the end of the day on Friday.

1. Puritans and divine providence- define and give specific examples, look up early history of Providence, RI

2. William Bradford- brief biography, his wife's fate, Of Plymouth Plantation

3. Puritan education- free public schools, Harvard University

4. Squanto and the first Thanksgiving

5. Puritan family life- the role of the husband, wife and children

6. Jonathan Edwards- brief biography, the Great Awakening, Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God

7. Salem Witch Trials- brief summary of the events

8. Legacy of the Puritans in America today- how does the Puritan belief system still influence America? Blue laws, define and give examples

9. John Winthrop- brief bio, "city upon a hill" idea, "city upon a hill" used in other speeches, manifest destiny

10. Dissenters in the Puritan colonies- especially Roger Williams, Thomas Hooker, Anne Hutchinson

11. Failure and end of Puritanism- explain and give examples of reasons why this happened

12. Pilgrims- describe, importance of Mayflower Compact

13. Early difficulties of Plymouth colony

Sophs- Blue Class Answer below...

Click on comments below to submit your information.

Sophs- Green Class respond here...

Click on comments below to submit your information.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Seniors- Growin' Up...

As we near the completion of our class presentations, I'm sure most of you are anxiously looking forward to the events of the near future. Finals. Prom. Graduation. Summer. College. And so on. However, for this assignment I'm going to ask you to suppress those thoughts and look back to your past. As a result of signing up for child psychology, you should have a good understanding about the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of children from birth to early childhood. Now it's your turn to provide personal examples of these developmental aspects.

Here is the assignment... Sit down and talk (put your cell phone away, close your facebook, turn off the television) and TALK with one or both of your parents about your development throughout childhood. Think of it as an interview or a discussion. Ask questions about your childhood development and use topics from class to initiate your discussion. You will discover stories and characteristics about yourself that you've never known about. Plus, your parent(s) will be thrilled to talk with you about when you were young, especially now that their baby is off to the next phase of life.

Here are some example questions to help you get started...
- What was my temperament like as an infant, child, ect? Did my personality change over time?
Explain with specific examples.
- At what age did you learn to crawl, walk?
- Did I have a transitional object? If so, what was it?
- What was I like during the 'terrible twos'?
- Favorite games, tv shows?
- What was my first word? Ask for other characteristics about your language acquisition.
- Ask for deferred imitation examples.
- What were some of my favorite activities to do as a child?
- What was I like on my first day of preschool/kindergarten?
- These are only a few. Feel free to ask any other question that relates to class this year.

Length: 2-3 pages typed word document, double-spaced, font size 12 times new roman.

Due: Monday, May 17th

Value: 25 points

Note: If you have any conflict in doing this assignment, please see me for an alternate assignment.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seniors- A Class Divided

In 1968 Jane Elliot of Ricetown, Iowa was supposed to teach a Sioux Indian lesson to her third grade class with the prayer "Help me not judge a person until I have walked in his shoes." However, the day after Martin Luther King was assassinated, she decided her students needed a life-long lesson. As a result, her brown eyes, blue eyes experiment taught her third graders an influential lesson on discrimination. Hopefully, it was an eye-opening program for you seniors to watch.

Choose one of the following questions and write a one page typed response, citing specific examples from the program. Click here if you need to watch it again.

1. What did you learn from the program? What scenes do you remember the most? Did any part of the film surprise you?

2. How did the negative and positive labels placed on the group become self-fulfilling prophecies? Be sure to discuss the children's body language.

3. How did Jane Elliot's discrimination create no-win situations for those placed in the inferior group? How did she selectively interpret behavior to conform the stereotypes she assigned?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seniors- Ch 10

A child's understanding of death.

Read the following article by Tuesday, April 20.

Death in Disney Films

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sophs- 1920s Cultural Conflicts

1. Prohibition- Speakeasies, Bootleggers, Al Capone and the rise of organized crime
2. Racism- Rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Marcus Garvey movement
3. Religion- Fundamentalism, Scopes Trial (evolution)
4. Red Scare- Sacco and Vanzetti, Palmer Raids

- Create a mini powerpoint presentation on your topic. You must research your topic first. The following links may help...
digital history
1920s life
Roaring Twenties
Cultural Conflicts
Scopes Trial

- Length: 4 slides- 2 slides with information in bullet points; 2 slides of pictures, maps, or graphs that relate to the topic
- You will present your slides to the class. Be able to explain and elaborate in your presentation.

- Save your presentation to your e-locker to continue work next class.
- Finished powerpoints will be dropped into my Hobbes folder.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sophs- political cartoons

Go to this political cartoon link...

Choose a cartoon about one of the following topics...
- Haiti relief
- Chile earthquake
- Health care issue
- Jim Bunning filibuster

Next, choose a cartoon of your choice of topic.

For each cartoon, answer the following...

1. List the objects or people you see in the cartoon.

2. Identify the cartoon caption and/or title

3. Identify any symbols and their meaning

4. Describe the action taking place.

5. What is the background information of this cartoon? You must do research in the news to answer this question

6. Explain the message of the cartoon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Seniors- Children's Books

Hopefully, Friday's class gave you further insight into what it's like to be a beginner reader. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Old Hat New Hat, The Cat in the Hat, The Foot Book, and Inside Outside Upside Down (and you may have read several others) all have distinct characteristics that make them good sources for improving a child's literacy skills.

Your assignment is to choose one book to analyze. Note the number of syllables used, the extent of the vocabulary, repetition of words, and use of rhyming. Was there a plot to the story? If so, explain. Who were the characters in the book? What was the gender of the characters?
How would this book help children with reading and language development? Explain. Also, in your opinion, what was the most complex book, the simplest book, the book that was easiest to memorize?

Answer the above questions in a well-developed paragraph, citing specific examples from your class worksheet.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hawaii's Last Queen

After watching the film, "Hawaii's Last Queen," you should have a better understanding of imperialism and the motives that cause strong nations to overpower weaker nations. You saw Queen Liliuokalini's unsuccessful struggle to keep her Hawaiian people independent of foreign rule. You witnessed her faith in the American government as she gave up her throne with optimistic thoughts that her power would be restored in the near future. As we know, this was not the case. Hawaii was annexed as an American territory in 1898 and eventually became the 50th state in 1959.

In your reflection of the film, give a response with a summary (paragraph length) describing how Americans gained political and economic power in Hawaii. Be sure to include specific details about the missionaries, Queen Liliuokalini's childhood, foreign influences on Hawaiian culture, etc. Use your video question sheet and answers to help with this paragraph.

In addition, write a short paragraph on the way the story was portrayed through the Queen's perspective. You often heard excerpts from her diary that described her thoughts and feelings. Was this an effective way to tell the story? Do you think the program tried to persuade viewers to sympathize with the Hawaiian queen and people? Be specific in your argument.